Corvid-19 Tracking in Michigan (courtesy google)
The United State's President Trump's "Get Back To Business" shifts from his being more safety-oriented keeps choices on important decisions from being made. I thinks it's revenge for several States like Illinois & Michigan saying the Federal Government is leaving them on their own basically. The Federal Government blames a prior Administration for depleting reserve in needed equipment while the new Administration fights and out-bids States for the same type of needed materials.
Michigan Governor & Chief Medical Officer fighting for Resources
(photo courtesy google)
With this shift he can now say 'Oh the States are stopping Business'. This was the reality 2 months ago. An almost daily shift in the Chief Executive for the Federal Government basically leaving the State Governments to fend for themselves.
Corvid-19 Shut-Down Demonstration at the MI Capital
(photo courtesy google)
If different levels of Government fighting isn't bad enough- now Business Owners and their Allies are getting mad over the shut-down of most businesses. The polarization seems to be LIBERAL versus BUSINESS CONSERVATIVE.
Corvid-19 Shut-Down Demonstration at the MI Capital
(photo courtesy google)
If different levels of Government fighting isn't bad enough- now Business Owners and their Allies are getting mad over the shut-down of most businesses. The polarization seems to be LIBERAL versus BUSINESS CONSERVATIVE.